Languages & Models

The menu in which you add new languages as well as the dictionaries, voice input models, transformer models, and layouts associated with them.

Add Language

Some languages require you to download a dictionary. If you also want a voice input model for a specific language, you will need to download that as well. Every language has a selection of keyboard layouts already associated with it; you can choose which layout(s) you’d like to add when you add the language.

Switch Language

There are two ways you can switch languages. The first is by pressing the globe icon in the Action Bar, located near the top left of the keyboard. The second is by either long-pressing or swiping the spacebar; you can customize your spacebar language-switching behavior by going to Settings -> Keyboard & Typing -> Long-Press Keys & Spacebar -> Spacebar Behavior. You can also assign the globe icon as the Action Key so it's right next to the spacebar, which can be accessed in the All Actions menu by pressing the ellipsis key (...) in the top left of the keyboard and then going to Edit Actions.

Add Dictionary

Some languages have a built-in dictionary but most of them don’t. If the language you’re installing doesn’t have a built-in in dictionary, you call install from our website by going to Languages & Models -> Dictionary (on the language you’re installing) -> Explore -> Download (from our website).

Create Custom Layout

If you’d like to make your own custom layout for a particular language, you can do so by enabling Developer Settings -> Custom Layouts -> Create new layout. More info on custom layouts can be found here. Key-by-key long-press setting customization is not yet supported, but is in the cue for us to implement.