Accessing and Assigning Actions
Actions can be accessed in the All Actions menu by pressing the ellipsis key (...) in the top left of the keyboard. The location of each action on the keyboard can be edited by clicking Edit Actions after navigating to the All Actions menu.
In the Edit Actions menu, you can drag and drop the actions to the following locations:
Action Key
This action will appear directly to the left of the Spacebar. You can only assign one key as the Action Key.
Pinned Action(s)
These actions will appear on the right side of the keyboard, directly below the Action Bar and directly above the Keyboard Layout.
Favorite Actions
These actions will appear in the Action Bar located at the top of the keyboard.
More Actions
These actions will appear in the All Actions menu, accessed by clicking the ellipsis key (...).
Hidden Actions
These actions will not appear anywhere on the keyboard.